Another Success Of Online Casino Through Google TV
Online casino is skyrocketing its popularity because of its convenience and fast payouts. So instead of planning for a flight tickets, reserving a hotel room or making a huge debt in your bank just to go in Las Vegas casino or Atlantic City, you could just spend and play at home, sitting like a couch potato using your laptop or PC, you can play any online casino games that you like and reap generous casino bonuses and other promotions in return.
For gamblers to find the most popular online casino, they currently have to use their computers. That will not be the case for long, however, after Google announced their innovative Google TV would be coming to television sets across the world.
Featured in Google TV is an on-screen search box that allows viewers to search for their favorite television shows or other material available on the Web. The idea is being pitched as a way to make television viewing easier, but the end result could be Internet surfing and gambling on big screen high definition televisions throughout the world.
Sony has partnered with Google for the project, and they claim their television sets with Google TV access will be ready by the fall. The price has not yet been determined, but analysts are predicting the price to come in somewhere in the $200 to $300 range.
Advertising is the biggest area of Google’s revenue source, and adding Google TV to televisions around the world will only increase the advertising possibilities. The company recently again started accepting online casino ads on their search engine, and with television access online casinos may be drooling at the possibilities of reaching their target audience on big screen televisions in high definition.
In some countries, actual gambling can already take place on television. NetPlay delivers interactive gambling shows in the UK, and in some casinos, gamblers can play casino games on their hotel room television sets. This new Google TV, however, will change the future of online casino and open up an entire new world to millions of online casino players.
At Google’s development conference on Thursday in San Francisco, company spokesmen marveled at their idea that they believe will change the future of television. The company unveiled their Google TV to thousands of amazed developers that attended the conference.
Currently, gamblers have to look for online casino bonuses and their favorite games such as blackjack, roulette, craps, and poker by accessing keywords on their computers and picking the site they wish to enter. With Google TV, that will all be the same, but surfers will be doing in in comfort, sitting on leather couches and surfing on their big-screen televisions.
While online gambling laws are the biggest obstacles for gamblers these days, with many jurisdictions still outlawing online casino, it is clear that technology is preparing for the inevitable. Comfort and ease of access are two things that online gamblers cannot live without, and Google TV could provide both for generations of online casino players to come.
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